Make a difference
Why give?
Tithing is a way to show trust in God, to put God first in your life, and to return a portion of what God has given you.
“A tenth of the produce of the land, whether grain or fruit, is the Lord's, and is holy” Leviticus 27:30
Get started
How to donate:
Open up your QR scanner on your phone and go to the link and follow the steps for your bank.
Open your bank app and look for the Zelle tab and look for Scan QR Code and scan the code.
Giving FAQs
Operating Expenses Undesignated Funds:
Utilities and Insurance, Classroom Literature, Community Outreach,
Building Repairs, Snow Removal and Lawn Upkeep, Office Supplies,
Worship Technology (Computers and Social Media Outreach)
Pastor Salary/Housing
Mission Giving: SBC Cooperative Program 6%, Cleveland Hope
Associational Missions 4% and TIP International Missions 3%
Designated Giving:
Giving is available for Specific Funds if desired.
We are currently doing a fundraiser to be able to put a new roof on our building.
Any money given to that is used specifically for that purpose and is not used for other operating expenses.
Other possible areas of designation are Snack Fund, Youth Fund, Children’s Fund, Ladies Fund, Men’s Fund, Music Fund
Yes, when you give through Zelle you can leave a note and it will be sent with the offering and we can make sure it goes towards that fund.
Yes, you can always give on Sundays like normal at the offering plate, and you can send a check in the mail. At this this time Zelle is our only way to give electronically but if you have any question about how to give please Debbie.