Meet Our Pastor
Pastor Mark Shearer
Mark and his wife Kay began attending Here’s Hope in February 2017, when they sensed the Lord leading them to attend the church and to simply “love on the people.” Little did they know of the ministry opportunities that would develop over the next year including, for Mark, the role of interim (March 4, 2018) and eventually senior pastor (January 12, 2020). He considers serving not only the church but also the community a tremendous honor and blessing. While Mark loves being a pastor, he will tell you that being a pastor is not what defines him. He rather desires to be known as a man who truly loves Jesus and desires to be more like Him. Mark’s favorite Bible verse is Jeremiah 33:3; “Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and incomprehensible things you do not know.”(CSB)
Mark and Kay were married July 25, 1987, and have 4 grown children and 6 grandchildren. While Mark enjoys almost all sports, he is mostly passionate about hockey and especially baseball, insisting that to this day he could still play a solid right field for his beloved Pittsburgh Pirates!